Dr. Trevor Barnes


My research interests are in economic geography although I have increasingly wandered from the straight and narrow. While I have completed substantive work in economic geography both on British Columbia’s forest economy and Vancouver’s film & tv, and video game industries, my passion is the history and philosophy of geography. Over the last twenty years I have drawn increasingly on writings from science studies, particularly Donna Haraway’s and Andrew Pickering’s. I am especially interested in the effects of war and militarization on the practice of geography. I began by looking at the Cold War and its consequence for American geography as it moved from the late 1950s toward mathematical modelling and the use of quantitative techniques. More recently, I’ve examined World War II, and the ways in which geographers were used both in military intelligence and in enacting plans for occupation. My two case studies have been annexed Poland following the invasion and occupation by the Nazis in 1939, and Japan following its occupation by the American military in 1945.

  • “Geography’s Underworld: The military-industrial complex, mathematical modelling and the quantitative revolution.”  Geoforum, 39, 3-16 (2008).
  • “Making space for the market: live performances, dead objects, and economic geography.” Compass 3, 1-17 (2008). [pdf]
  • “Spatial analysis.” The Sage Handbook of Geographical Knowledge edited by John Agnew and David Livingstone, London: Sage, pp. 380-391 (2011).

Trevor Barnes, Department of Geography
Professor and Distinguished University Scholar (B.Sc. University College, London, Ph.D. University of Minnesota)
Office: 1984 West Mall, Room 140C
Telephone: (604) 822-5804
Email: tbarnes@geog.ubc.ca
Website: http://www.geog.ubc.ca/~tbarnes/


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